19th Mar2014

UTCLC Upcoming General Meeting

by lionsclub

Hey everyone!!

First off, UTCLC will be having it’s second last general meeting this week. Here are the deets:

WHERE: New College Wetmore Hall, room 54A
WHEN: Thursday March 20, 2014 — 4:00PM
WHAT: to discuss elections and executive position details

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Secondly, a huge thanks to everyone who came out to our MUSIC FOR APHASIA concert! We were able to raise $316.05, all of which will be donated to our beneficiary, the Aphasia Institute. More importantly, we were able to raise awareness of the aphasia disorder, an endeavour that we at UTCLC are very proud of.

Anyway, we hope to see you all at our meeting on Thurs! If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail UTCLCinfo@gmail.com.



02nd Mar2014

MUSIC FOR APHASIA: 2nd annual “Campaign for the Brain” Benefit Concert

by lionsclub

Hey everyone!

You’ve all been waiting and now it’s finally here! In collaboration with Ryerson Campus Lions Club, the New College Student Council, and the Aphasia Institute, UTCLC proudly presents its second annual MUSIC FOR APHASIA benefit concert!

We will be having performances from talented individuals from here in the university as well as have the Aphasia Institute to talk a little bit about aphasia. Speech language pathologists as well as volunteers from the institute will be speaking on their experiences at the institute as well as talk about volunteering opportunities. Here’s the info for the event:

When: Thursday, March 6th, 2014 — 6:30 PM
Where: William Doo Auditorium (located on the bottom floor of the New building at 45 Willicocks St. Toronto ON)
Ticket Price: $7 early bird, $10 at the door. You can purchase your early bird tickets at the NCSC office also located at 45 Willcocks St., or you can reserve them by e-mailing UTCLCinfo@gmail.com

All proceeds from the event will be going to the Aphasia Institute, so please help us in supporting this wonderful organization by buying/reserving your tickets today!

Also, please join our FB event page to get more details as we count down to the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/376626792479374

Hope to see everyone there!



26th Jan2014

General Meeting January 27th, 2014 @ 6:00 pm

by lionsclub

Howdy everyone!

We will be having our first general meeting of 2014 tomorrow: Monday January 27th, 2013 in New College Wilson building room 2002 @ 6:00 PM. We will be discussing the activities for the new year and will be delegating roles for our events. Hope to see you all there!

– M

21st Oct2013

UTCLC Pre-Halloween Settlers of Catan Tournament!!!

by lionsclub

Hey everyone!

Hope you’re all having a great start to your week and midterms/tests have been going well!

UTCLC is hosting its 2nd annual Settlers of Catan board game tournament, and this time we’ll be throwing in a blast of Halloween fun! (Muahahahahahaha!)

Here are the details you’ll need to take part in this great event!

WHEN: Wednesday October 30th, 2013 — 6PM-9PM

WHERE: Hart House South Dining Room


WHAT: There will be a $10 entry free for the tournament with a chance to win the grand prize of $100! There will be food, soft drinks, and of course candy! All proceeds will be going to the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides.


For updates, join the FB event page:



If you have any questions, please send us an e-mail at UTCLCinfo@gmail.com


Tell all your friends, BE EXCITED and we hope to see you there!!

– M