09th Oct2013

First General Meeting Minutes (October 7th, 2013)

by lionsclub

Hello everyone!

UTCLC held our FIRST official general meeting of the year yesterday, and here is a breakdown of our discussion about the incentives to joining Lions Club:

1. Plenty of networking opportunities!

UTCLC is a branch under Lions Club INTERNATIONAL – as part of UTCLC, we have the opportunity to participate in LCI events, including attending district meetings and conferences.
By attending these events with fellow Lions, we get to learn about the diversity of people that make up the Lions, and the amazing work that individual members of LCI do for the community outside of campus

2. Atmosphere of camaraderie

UTCLC promises an atmosphere of camaraderie; our guiding Lions (who are members of Lions Clubs at large in the district and in the world) are always helpful, always looking for more opportunities to bridge UTCLC with other activities of LCI. UTCLC has a special affinity with LCI, since it’s the first campus Lions Club to be established in North America!

3. Doing good for the community, of course!


UTCLC offers plenty of opportunity to serve the community in all ways YOU are most passionate about.

4. Developing leadership and teamwork skills that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.



If you are interested in joining UTCLC, OR have any more questions/concerns contact, OR you’re just interested in helping us out with events, feel free to contact us at UTCLCinfo@gmail.com!






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